High Roller Las Vegas
If you're going on holiday to Las Vegas, a ride on the High Roller Las Vegas is an absolute must. The giant ferris wheel will give you fabulous views across the city as you try to pick out landmarks on the Strip. Opposite to Caesars Palace, it's impossible to miss the High Roller Las Vegas when you're strolling down the Strip, even with all the other huge buildings.
Standing at almost 170 metres high, the world's tallest ferris wheel only opened in 2014, so it's a relatively new Vegas attraction. As you climb into one of the 28 glass-enclosed cabins, you'll be surprised at how much room there is. When the wheel starts to turn and your cabin climbs into the air, you'll see the streets below getting smaller and smaller as you get near the top. Peer out of the windows to see other landmarks including the Stratosphere Tower as your cabin takes half an hour to complete a full circle.
If you're after an even more memorable experience, the High Roller Las Vegas offers special rides including yoga sessions. Practise your Cat Pose and Seated Forward Bend as the wheel revolves, or have a unique chocolate tasting experience instead while you enjoy the 360 degree views.
After your ride on the High Roller Las Vegas, go for a wander through the Fremont Street Experience to browse the shops and see the light shows on the ceiling. Or get out of the city for a while and pay a visit to the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, where you can soak up the breathtaking scenery.
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