Mellieħa currency

The currency in Mellieħa is the Euro (EUR / €).

Change your pounds before you go and save on airport exchange rates! Simply order your holiday money with our online exchange service and your cash or currency card will be delivered securely to you.

Handy hint: Check your bedside drawer for leftover currency from your last holiday to the eurozone. From those small-but-useful 1, 2, 5, 10 and 50 cent coins to the satisfying €1 and €2 themselves (maybe even a €5 note or two?!), it feels good to arrive with change jangling in your pocket. You might even have enough for gelato all round!

Cash machines: Head to the banks in the centre of Mellieħa for cash machines without big charges. Euro notes come in €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200 and €500.

Tipping in Mellieħa: Add 10% to restaurant bills, round up taxi fares – and Bob’s your uncle, you’ve got the hang of what to tip in Mellieħa!

Card payments: You can usually pay by card in Mellieħa (including currency cards). Both Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted.

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