
Avg weather in July
    12 Hrsper day
    154 mmper month
    69 %avg
    5 Mphavg

    Washington weather July

    Washington weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Washington in July?

    If you want to enjoy a warm climate with plenty of sunshine and very little rain, visit Washington in July. You can sunbathe in the park in the morning and head to Seattle’s city centre for an afternoon of fine-dining and shopping.

    Geographical influences

    Washington State is nestled in the Pacific Northwest corner of the United States. The region enjoys a very pleasant climate in the summer with warm temperatures. However, Washington weather in July is also very wet with frequent downpours scattered over the month. At the hottest time of the day, head to Seattle’s golden beaches for some volleyball and a relaxing swim in the sea.


    Washington sees up to 14 hours of sunshine each day with an average humidity of 67%. There is quite a lot of rain, which means you should pack your umbrella to prepare for the 126mm of rainfall spread over the month. The average temperature is a pleasant 31°C with cooling breezes reaching speeds of up to 7mpg on the beach.

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