Oregon State

Avg weather in February
    10 Hrsper day
    40 mmper month
    76 %avg
    7 Mphavg
    Oregon State

    Oregon State weather February

    Oregon State weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Oregon State in February?

    February is one of the coldest months of the year with low temperatures and a lot of heavy rainfall scattered over the month. However, don’t let the weather put you off. Oregon State has a lot to offer, including a beautiful coastline, sleeping volcanoes and scenic rivers.

    Geographical influences

    You’ll find Oregon State in the Pacific Northwest coast of the USA. Oregon State weather in February is quite frosty with cold temperatures throughout the month. If you’re a history buff, head to the Portland Art Museum to see original Native American artwork before heading to the city centre for great food and friendly banter.


    It’s slightly warmer in February than the earlier winter months, but it’s still very cold with a daily average of 7°C. There are ten hours of sunlight per day, giving you plenty of time to explore the region during your stay. 140mm of rain is spread over the month, which means you’re likely to see some rain while you’re visiting. If it’s windy, the sea breezes can reach speeds of up to 8mph with humidity levels of 78%.

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