
Avg weather in December
    11 Hrsper day
    131 mmper month
    73 %avg
    15 Mphavg

    Cesme weather December

    Cesme weather December alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cesme in December?

    Winter in Cesme is very mild and wet. You’ll get to enjoy warm temperatures but you should prepare for the rain and pack an umbrella to avoid any surprises.

    Geographical influences

    Cesme weather in December is traditional of its Mediterranean climate. There’s an increased chance of rain at this time of year, but you can pass the time at the bar with a few drinks or visit a local museum until the sun comes back out again. While you’re in Cesme, make sure to set aside some time to explore the Ilica Beach, which is home to a number of thermal sulphur springs.


    December has an average rainfall of 137mm that spreads over the month. Humidity levels are quite high at around 71% and are controlled by cooling sea breezes that reach up to 15mph. The average temperature is a pleasant 15°C with evening lows of 8°C. Despite the rainfall, Cesme has at least nine hours of lovely sunshine each day in December.

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