Cap Salou

Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    86 mmper month
    67 %avg
    6 Mphavg
    Cap Salou

    Cap Salou weather September

    Cap Salou weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cap Salou in September?

    Cap Salou weather in September is typical of its beautiful Mediterranean climate. This means you can expect constant warm sunshine and high temperatures throughout the month.

    Geographical influences

    Its location in the middle of Salou and La Pineda means Cap Salou experiences a beautiful climate all year round. The sea temperatures are also very mild and ideal for a relaxing swim before dinner at one of the local seafood restaurants along the bustling promenade. You can also treat the kids to a day out at the PortAventura theme park, where you’ll find waterslides, rollercoasters and entertaining shows all day long.


    September has an average daily temperature of 26°C with nightly lows of around 17°C. It’s more likely to rain in September than previous months with an average rainfall of 78mm. However, showers tend to be very short and the sun never stays hidden for long. Despite the rain, you’ll still have at least 12 hours of lovely sunshine to enjoy each day with a humidity of 72%.

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      Sep Avg
      25 °