Cap Salou

Avg weather in March
    12 Hrsper day
    76 mmper month
    68 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Cap Salou

    Cap Salou weather March

    Cap Salou weather March alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cap Salou in March?

    March begins to see a climb in temperatures as winter moves into spring. You can expect to see a lot more sunshine than previous months, with less rainfall and quiet beaches before the summer crowds flood in.

    Geographical influences

    Cap Salou is situated in the middle of La Pineda and Salou in Costa Dorada. This means the region experiences hot summers and mild winters. March isn’t as warm as the summer months, but it’s still a great time to visit if you want to get out and see all the attractions that this beautiful place has to offer. Take the kids to the local theme park for a day of fun and adventure or treat yourself to a shopping spree in the nearby city of Barcelona.


    Cap Salou weather in March is sunny and mild with an average daily temperature of 17°C. There are 12 hours of lovely sunshine per day with an average rainfall of 55mm. It rains on eight days of the month, which means there’s a good chance you won’t see a single drop of rain during your stay. If you do experience a few rain showers, they won’t last for long as they’re usually very short and light. The average humidity is 73% with wind speeds of 9mph providing regular cooling breezes.

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      15 °