Cap Salou

Avg weather in January
    12 Hrsper day
    56 mmper month
    69 %avg
    10 Mphavg
    Cap Salou

    Cap Salou weather January

    Cap Salou weather January alt image

    What’s the weather like in Cap Salou in January?

    January is one of the coldest months of the year in Cap Salou. Temperatures are quite low but still considered as being quite mild in comparison to the weather back home.

    Geographical influences

    The weather here is influenced by Cap Salou’s location in Costa Dorada. This means it enjoys a warm climate throughout the year with mild winters and hot summers. When you go on holiday to Cap de Salou, you get the best of both worlds. On one side, you’ve got the beautiful golden beaches along the coastline and on the other, there's great waterparks and an exciting nightlife.


    Cap Salou weather in January is quite chilly at times with nightly lows of around 4°C that climbs to 14°C during peak times of the day. The sea is far too cold to swim in, averaging around 13°C for most of the month. On the bright side, you’ll have nine hours of lovely sunshine to enjoy each day with an average humidity of 72%. 47mm of rain falls across a maximum of eight days of the month, whilst winds can reach speeds of up to 10mph by the shore.

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      Jan Avg
      12 °