
Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    1 mmper month
    68 %avg
    10 Mphavg

    Rhodes weather August

    Rhodes weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Rhodes in August?

    The island of Rhodes has a Mediterranean climate which brings warm, dry summers to this popular region of Greece. In August the weather’s sunny and hot right across the island. With almost no chance of rain it’s a busy time of year, perfect for relaxing on the stunning beaches and exploring the local sights. If you love swimming in the sea or doing water sports, the Mediterranean waters are beautifully warm at this time of year.


    In the daytime, Rhodes has an average temperature of 27°C. With highs of 29°C, you’ll need to be careful in the sun by wearing lots of sun cream and staying in the shade between 11am and 3pm. At night the temperature drops only slightly to 24°C, so the evenings are still warm enough for summer clothes. On average each day in August sees 12 hours of sunshine, while the sea’s lovely and warm at 25°C.

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      Aug Avg
      31 °