
Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    3 mmper month
    62 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Nikiana weather August

    Nikiana weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Nikiana in August?

    The Nikiana weather in August is at its very hottest, as it’s right in the height of summer. You can expect long, sunny days with very little rainfall and pleasant evening temperatures too. This is one of the busiest periods in Nikiana, as it’s a popular holiday hotspot to soak up the beautiful Greek sunshine.

    Geographical influences

    Located on the Greek island of Lefkas, Nikiana is a picturesque resort about mid-way down the east coast. Lefkas is one of Greece’s Ionian Islands, so Nikiana enjoys a typically Mediterranean climate; hot summers and cool winters. So during the particular hot days in August, you may want to take a day trip into the nearby mountains and make the most of the slightly cooler temperatures.


    The weather in Nikiana in August is 30˚C, so you need to be a fan of the heat if you want to go on holiday then, as it can often get even hotter than that. It only tends to drop to around 27˚C, so the chances of enjoying a warm and sunny week or so in Greece are pretty high. There’s very little rainfall in Nikiana throughout the month of August either; only 5mm on average, spread out over four days. The sea temperature will be a lovely 26˚C; perfect for cooling off in.

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