
Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    5 mmper month
    70 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Lassi weather August

    Lassi weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Lassi in August?

    August is the hottest month of the year and a fantastic time to travel to the scenic town of Lassi. The Lassi weather in August is always good with lots of daily sunshine and warm sea temperatures that are ideal for swimming.

    Geographical influences

    Lassi is a laid-back town in Kefalonia. It’s just three kilometres south of Argostoli, which is the capital of the island and a great place to visit for sightseeing, cafes and shops. The Mediterranean climate in August is very hot, dry and sunny. There are not many clouds in the sky and cooling breezes are welcomed along its sandy shores. Summer winds help to keep humidity levels under control and also bring temperatures down at night so you can rest comfortably.


    The average temperature in Lassi in August is 26°C but this often rises to 31°C at peak times of the day. Milder weather arrives when the sun goes down, bringing temperatures down to an average low of 18°C. The skies are mostly clear with just 8mm of rain over four of the days. Humidity is moderate at 70% for most of the month and you’ll get to enjoy up to 13 hours of warm sunshine per day.

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