
Avg weather in November
    11 Hrsper day
    334 mmper month
    69 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Roda weather November

    Roda weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Roda in November?

    The weather in Roda in November compares very well with mainland Europe. Temperatures in this charming Greek resort, on the north coast of Corfu, average around 17°C in November and you’ll love walking along the beaches and promenades under the warm sunshine. It’s one of the wettest months but the showers don’t usually last too long.

    Geographical influences

    The northern Greek island of Corfu, in the Ionian Sea, has a climate a little different to mainland Greece. Here the conditions are slightly cooler and wetter, but still very sunny, which gives Corfu its pretty green landscape and abundance of olive trees.


    The weather in Roda in November has an average high temperature of 17°C during the day. The average low’s just 11°C, but most days are several degrees warmer than this. You’ll catch a good deal of sunshine this month, with about ten hours each day, and the sun doesn’t set until 5.40pm at the start of November. The Ionian Sea’s 18°C at this time, which is warmer than it is in May and April, so you may fancy a late autumn splash. November is the wettest month in this Greek resort, along with December, and it gets an average of 111mm of rain across 12 rainy days. You’ll need a light rain jacket in case you get caught in a passing shower. The wind speed’s moderate at 9mph, which won’t make you feel cold, and the UV and humidity levels are low too.

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