
Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    121 mmper month
    66 %avg
    9 Mphavg

    Arillas weather September

    Arillas weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Arillas in September?

    September’s a very popular month to visit this charming resort on the Greek island of Corfu. The Arillas weather in September is very warm and has plenty of late summer sunshine, with the crowds of August and July having disappeared. The rain does increase from those peak summer months, though.

    Geographical influences

    Because Arillas is located on the idyllic island of Corfu, which is the most northerly of the seven main Ionian Islands, it has a slightly wetter and cooler climate compared to the south of Greece. During hot months like September, these lower temperatures are usually very refreshing for visitors.


    The weather in Arillas in September produces an average of just 45mm of rainfall across six rainy days. Any showers don’t usually last long though, and the Mediterranean sunshine soon dries the ground. The sun will shine for around 12 hours each day in September. You can really make the most of the long days too, with the sun rising at 7.10am and finally setting after 8pm in September. Temperatures still reach an amazing average of 26°C and only drop to around 16°C on rare colder days. The winds are very calm at just 7mph on average. September’s also a great time for a fun dip in the Ionian Sea because the water temperature’s a tempting 23°C on average. The heat, humidity and UV levels are moderate throughout the month.

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