Kotu Beach

Avg weather in February
    12 Hrsper day
    0 mmper month
    44 %avg
    11 Mphavg
    Kotu Beach

    Kotu Beach weather February

    Kotu Beach weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Kotu Beach in February?

    Because it’s the dry season, the Kotu Beach weather in February is perfect for a beach holiday. You’ll love the high temperatures, bright blue skies and dry tropical climate as you relax by the Atlantic Ocean or around your hotel pool.

    Geographical influences

    Kotu Beach is a pretty seaside resort on the west coast of The Gambia, which is a small country in west central Africa. The dry season runs between November and May, when hot weather’s blown into the region by north-easterly winds. There’ll also be a cool ocean breeze to help keep conditions comfortable and hardly a drop of rain.


    The weather in Kotu Beach in February sees some of the hottest temperatures all year. The average daytime high’s 35°C, with an average low of just 28°C, so pack plenty of warm weather clothes. The humidity’s 46% and UV levels are high, which means sunblock’s a must and carrying water’s a good idea when you’re out in the sun. You can leave your rain jacket at home with just 6mm of rainfall on average, so chances are you’ll see no wet weather at all. There’s around ten hours of glorious sunshine each day on average and it doesn’t set until 7.15pm at the end of February. The water temperature around Kotu’s beaches is a pleasant 21°C.

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