Kotu Beach

Avg weather in August
    11 Hrsper day
    365 mmper month
    79 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Kotu Beach

    Kotu Beach weather August

    Kotu Beach weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Kotu Beach in August?

    It’s the wet season in the tropical paradise of Kotu Beach, in The Gambia, but you can still expect lots of sunshine and very warm temperatures. The Kotu Beach weather in August sees the rainfall bring the green landscape to life and you’ll love exploring the beaches, bays and wildlife of the nearby Bijilo National Park.

    Geographical influences

    The Gambia’s Africa’s smallest country, on the pretty west coast of the continent by the Atlantic Ocean. The wet season lasts between June and October as tropical showers are blown in by south-westerly winds. These can feel very refreshing and they often happen in the evening.


    The weather in Kotu Beach in August is very warm and sunny. You can expect an average daytime high temperature of 33°C, falling to 26°C on occasional cooler days. At night it’ll be around 23°C, so you’ll need to check your hotel has good air conditioning. You’ll make the most of the sunshine too this month in Kotu Beach and around The Gambia coastline. Expect to see an average of ten hours sun each day from 13 hours of daylight. UV levels are high, like they are all year, and wind speeds are moderate and refreshing at 11mph, so visiting the quiet sandy beaches and parks around Kotu will be quite comfortable. Keep an eye on the tropical showers though and pack a waterproof jacket. You can expect about 225mm of rain in Kotu Beach in August.

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