Kololi Beach

Avg weather in February
    12 Hrsper day
    0 mmper month
    44 %avg
    11 Mphavg
    Kololi Beach

    Kololi Beach weather February

    Kololi Beach weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Kololi Beach in February?

    While northern Europe’s mild and wet this month, the amazing Kololi Beach weather in February means you’ll relax in balmy temperatures and hours of fantastic sunshine each day. The Gambia enjoys a hot, dry and tropical climate at this time.

    Geographical influences

    The Gambia’s a small country on the stunning west coast of Africa, next to the Atlantic Ocean and surrounded by Senegal. Kololi Beach enjoys a lively but friendly atmosphere by the beach, with Bijilo just a short walk away and the capital Banjul 15km to the east. February’s in the dry season as hot weather’s blown in by north-easterly winds.


    The weather in Kololi Beach in February is exactly what you’d expect of this African hotspot. You’ll enjoy basking in the hot daytime temperatures, which can reach a high of 35°C. At night time this can fall to a refreshing 17°C, which makes sleeping comfortable. The water temperature’s very pleasant in February, at around 21°C, which makes it ideal for a refreshing dip in the Atlantic. If you’re exploring The Gambia’s charming markets, streets, nature parks and sights in February, you can make the most of the region’s amazing ten hours of sunshine each day. Take care in the sun, though, as UV and humidity levels are high. Keep a bottle of water with you and use sunblock regularly. You’re unlikely to see much rain at all this month, with just 6mm falling.

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