
Avg weather in July
    12 Hrsper day
    164 mmper month
    65 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Gambia weather July

    Gambia weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in The Gambia in July?

    It’s the wet season this month around the paradise African country of Gambia, but the light showers won’t spoil your holiday. Gambia weather in July is still very warm and sunny and you’ll love spending time at the beach and relaxing by your hotel pool.

    Geographical influences

    Gambia is a tiny country on African’s stunning west coast. The warm Atlantic Ocean laps the shoreline and the gentle Gambia River runs through much of the landscape. In July, tropical showers are blown into the country by south-westerly winds.


    Bring light summer clothes and just a showerproof jacket to Gambia at this time of the year. The weather in The Gambia in July is warm, boasting an average temperature of 24°C across the country. This’ll be nearer 30°C at popular coastal spots like Bijilo Beach and Brufut Heights. The average low will only be around 20°C on rare cool days, so you can plan days out knowing the weather will be stunning. If you want to relax on the beaches or by the river, the sun will shine for an average of ten hours in July and the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean will be about 27°C. An average of 69mm of rain falls in The Gambia this month across 13 rain-affected days. UV levels are high though, so pack plenty of sunblock, and make sure you keep hydrated in the sun as humidity levels will be around 64%.

    Best hotels in Gambia

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