
Avg weather in February
    12 Hrsper day
    0 mmper month
    44 %avg
    11 Mphavg

    Bijilo weather February

    Bijilo weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Bijilo in February?

    While northern Europe’s mild and wet this month, the amazing Bijilo weather in February means you’ll relax in wonderful temperatures and hours of fantastic sunshine each day. The Gambia enjoys a hot, dry and tropical climate at this time.

    Geographical influences

    Bijilo’s a quiet and relaxing beach resort on the west coast of The Gambia, which is a small west African country. Its sandy beaches are lapped by the warm Atlantic Ocean and in February, dry weather’s blown in by north-easterly winds. The ocean brings a refreshing breeze on hot days.


    The weather in Bijilo in February sees an average high temperature of 37°C during the daytime. This dips to a cool 18°C at night, which makes sleeping quite comfortable but you should still check that your hotel has air conditioning. Rainfall’s rare at this time along The Gambia’s coast, with just 6mm falling on average. Bring your sunglasses because sunshine levels are fantastic with a glorious ten hours each day in Bijilo. The days are long too, with the sun rising at 7.30am and finally setting at 7.30pm. You can take a refreshing dip in the Atlantic as the water temperature will be around 22°C. UV levels are high and the humidity will measure about 46%.

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