
Avg weather in August
    11 Hrsper day
    285 mmper month
    78 %avg
    5 Mphavg

    Gambia weather August

    Gambia weather August alt image

    What's the weather like in The Gambia in August?

    Gambia is an exciting country in West Africa, spanning the length of a river of the same name. Known for its beautiful beaches, it has a subtropical climate bringing warm weather to the country all year round. There’s a rainy season that lasts from June to October, and August’s the wettest month of the year. You should expect showers if you visit Gambia at this time, but there’s still plenty of sunshine to be enjoyed during this month too.


    The average temperature in Gambia is 26ºC at this time of year, rising to a high of 29ºC in the peak of the afternoon. With 380mm of rain expected over the course of 18 days, you’ll need to bring a waterproof jacket if you visit the country in August. There are still seven hours of sunshine each day, though, and with downpours often clearing quickly, you’ll need plenty of sun cream to protect yourself. If you want to take a dip in the sea, the Atlantic waters are a very warm 28ºC this month.

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