Red Sea

Avg weather in February
    11 Hrsper day
    6 mmper month
    67 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Red Sea

    Red Sea weather February

    Red Sea weather February alt image

    What’s the weather like in Red Sea in February?

    If you’re looking for hot winter weather and a half term family escape, then why not try Egypt in February? The Red Sea weather in February sees high temperatures pushing 30°C and there’s barely a drop of rain all month. Visitors love this time as it’s not as hot as June, July and August.

    Geographical influences

    The Red Sea’s found to the east of Egypt and has lots of fantastic resorts along its soft sandy shoreline. There’s Sharm El Sheikh, to the north, on the Sinai Peninsula, or the wonderful mainland spots of El Gouna, Hurghada and Makadi Bay. These locations all enjoy a refreshing sea breeze which inland cities like Cairo and Luxor don’t benefit from.


    The weather in Red Sea in February enjoys very pleasant temperatures, especially considering how mild most of mainland and northern Europe is at this time. You can expect the average high temperature to be 27°C around these Egyptian resorts, with a usual average of 22°C during the day. During late evening and at night, this could drop to a low of 15°C. Make sure you bring your sunglasses to Red Sea in February. There’ll be an average of ten hours sunshine each day from the ten to 11 hours of daylight. The sun doesn’t disappear until 5.30pm throughout the month. February, along with the other brief winter months of December and January, hardly see a drop of rainfall. The average humidity will be 58% and wind speed will be around 10mph.

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