Nissi Bay

Avg weather in October
    13 Hrsper day
    17 mmper month
    57 %avg
    6 Mphavg
    Nissi Bay

    Nissi Bay weather October

    Nissi Bay weather October alt image

    What’s the weather like in Nissi Bay in October?

    Nissi Bay weather in October is one of the main reasons why so many people visit in autumn. Temperatures are high, but not uncomfortable and there are regular cooling breezes that help control the heat during peak times, making October a very pleasant time to visit.

    Geographical influences

    Despite being autumn, Nissi Bay experiences lovely weather including high temperatures, clear blue skies and tons of blissful sunshine. Its location on the corner of Ayia Napa, a famous resort in Cyprus, means that it experiences a beautiful Mediterranean climate all year round and October is no exception.


    October sees an average daily temperature of 28°C, which lowers to 17 °C at night. You’re likely to spend a lot of your time on Nissi Beach, where the sand is golden and stretches for 500m along the shimmering coast. You’ll have 11 hours of lovely sunshine each day , which is plenty of time to explore the region at your own pace. Nissi Bay experiences an average rainfall of 14mm

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