Runaway Bay

Avg weather in October
    12 Hrsper day
    195 mmper month
    78 %avg
    8 Mphavg
    Runaway Bay

    Runaway Bay weather October

    Runaway Bay weather October alt image

    What’s the weather like in Runaway Bay in October?

    Runaway Bay weather in October is lovely and warm and even though it’s technically autumn, you’ll feel as though you’ve visited in the peak of the summer. Since Runaway Bay experiences a traditional tropical climate, you’ll also need to be prepared to see heavy downpours as part of the territory. However, showers are brief and the sun always shines through the clouds to light up your day.

    Geographical influences

    Jamaica witnesses a continuous stream of sunshine and warmth due to its prime location under the Caribbean sun. Runaway Bay benefits from gentle breezes coming in from the sea, which will cool you down in the heat while providing perfect conditions for wind surfing and water skiing. October falls within hurricane season, which means it’s more prone to storms and heavy downpours. On the bright side, rain showers are usually brief and it won’t be long before you’re back out relaxing on the sandy beach.


    The average high in October is a pleasant 33°C, which tends to reach its peak around midday. As evening draws in, you may experience a slight temperature drop, but very rarely will it go under 20°C. The water is still mild enough to swim in at around 29°C. Runaway Bay experiences an average of 151mm of rainfall in October which falls for a maximum of 17 days of the month. Unfortunately, this means there’s a high chance you’ll get stuck in a downpour during your stay but don’t let a bit of rain put you off, it just gives you an excuse to seek shelter at the bar or indulge in a feast in one of the local seafood restaurants.

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