Ocho Rios

Avg weather in September
    12 Hrsper day
    158 mmper month
    77 %avg
    8 Mphavg
    Ocho Rios

    Ocho Rios weather September

    Ocho Rios weather September alt image

    What’s the weather like in Ocho Rios in September?

    Ocho Rios’ tropical location means you’ll experience high temperatures throughout the year. Ocho Rios weather in September is particularly pleasant, with warm sea temperatures and an unlimited supply of sunshine from the Caribbean sun.

    Geographical influences

    September falls within hurricane season in Jamaica and Ocho Rios is no exception. Thunderstorms and rainy days are to be expected, but these are usually chased away by the sun fairly quickly, so you can get back to the beach in no time.


    When you visit Ocho Rios in September, you’ll have 12 hours of glorious sunshine each day, giving you plenty of time to sight-see, sunbathe and participate in your favourite water sports along the shimmering coastline. The average high is 33°C, which transforms Ocho Rios into a tropical paradise. If you need a break from the heat, you can cool down in the sea which has an average temperature of 29°C.  Ocho Rios sees an estimated 120mm of rainfall in September, which falls across 15 days of the month.

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