Ocho Rios

Avg weather in August
    12 Hrsper day
    107 mmper month
    77 %avg
    10 Mphavg
    Ocho Rios

    Ocho Rios weather August

    Ocho Rios weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Ocho Rios in August?

    Temperatures rarely fluctuate from season to season but Ocho Rios weather in August is truly divine. Experience the heat of the Caribbean sun in full swing and top up your tan over the course of a single afternoon thanks to high temperatures and an abundance of lovely sunshine.

    Geographical influences

    Propped on a half-moon shaped cove in the north coast of Jamaica is the beautiful resort town of Ocho Rios. Its lovely tropical climate is perfect for a luxury holiday in the sun, with sparkling waters, golden sand dunes and a bounty of sunshine.


    The average temperature in Ocho Rios during August is a blissful 33°C. This gradually drops towards the evening but tends not to fall below a comfortable 26°C. There’s 66mm of rainfall, which is quite low considering it’s wet season in a tropical resort. Take advantage of the good weather and go for a swim in the sea. You can cool down in mild waters before heading back to the beach to dry off under the summer sun.

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