Golden Sands Resort

Avg weather in May
    12 Hrsper day
    79 mmper month
    76 %avg
    7 Mphavg
    Golden Sands Resort

    Golden Sands Resort weather May

    Golden Sands Resort weather May alt image

    What’s the weather like in Golden Sands in May?

    The Golden Sands weather in May is when visitors get a real taste of the Mediterranean-like climate this resort enjoys. Temperatures rise to nearly 20°C most days, which is much warmer than the milder spring, and this popular beachside spot in Bulgaria is covered in bright sunshine. There’s likely to be some light showers but these won’t spoil your trip in May.

    Geographical influences

    Enjoying an idyllic location along the Black Sea coast, this pretty lowland part of Bulgaria boasts a different climate to mountainous inland regions. The warm waters help to keep the temperatures higher along the coast and the surrounding forest can block some of the lighter winds reaching the beaches.


    If you like warm, clear and sunny skies, then heading to this popular Black Sea resort is perfect for you. The weather in Golden Sands in May has an average temperature of 19°C, which even rises by a couple of degrees on hotter days. The average low for the month is 12°C. The sunshine is very pleasant this month. You can expect nine hours each day, with the sun not completely disappearing until after 8pm. There’s a medium to high heat level in Golden Sands at this time and humidity is 79%. The UV index is medium, but take lots of water and sunblock with you when you’re out in the open. The rainfall averages 54mm but the sun soon breaks up any clouds.

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