
Avg weather in November
    10 Hrsper day
    58 mmper month
    77 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Budapest weather November

    Budapest weather November alt image

    What’s the weather like in Budapest in November?

    November is the last month of autumn and you’ll notice temperatures begin to decrease very fast as the month progresses. You’ll need to pack plenty of warm clothes for your holiday and take a jacket out with you at night when temperatures can reach as low as 2°C.

    Geographical influences

    The continental climate begins to cool quite quickly in November, which means you can probably leave the sun cream at home. It’s still a nice time to visit the city if you don’t like the heat and prefer cooler weather abroad. Rainfall is quite common and you’ll notice westerly winds blowing through the city at night, which leads to lower temperatures and a higher chance of frost in the early morning.


    Budapest weather in November is very cold with temperatures rarely reaching above 7°C. The daily average is around 5°C that gradually drops to just 2°C at night. You’ll have eight hours of consistent sunshine per day with around 13 days of rain. The average rainfall during this time is 60mm that usually falls in light to moderate showers.

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