
Avg weather in May
    12 Hrsper day
    94 mmper month
    53 %avg
    8 Mphavg

    Asia weather May

    Asia weather May alt image

    What’s the weather like in Asia in May?

    The Asia weather in May can be quite pleasant, with mild to warm conditions across this huge continent and a good deal of sunshine. Famous resorts like Bangkok and Goa will be very hot, like they are all year.

    Geographical influences

    Countries in the south of Asia and around the Indian Ocean, Andaman Sea and South China Sea are warmer and hotter than those in the north. This is because they’re closer to the tropics, which also means they receive rain for several months of the year. These tropical downpours can be very refreshing on warm days.


    The weather in Asia in May ranges from temperatures in the low teens in Russia, to around 30°C in India and Thailand. The average daytime temperature in Bangkok is 28°C, with lows of just 20°C at night. In the Goa region during the day you can expect it to be 27°C. Further north in Beijing, China, the average is 21°C and Kazakhstan’s capital city, Astana, is around 16°C. Thailand and Malaysia get between eight to 11 hours of sunshine each day in May, with the sun not setting until 7.15pm in Bangkok. Beijing is moderately dry in May, with 29mm on average, but Kuala Lumpur has around 200mm of rain throughout the month. Across Asia the average humidity level is 48% but the UV levels can be high in popular resorts around Malaysia and the coast of Thailand.

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