
Avg weather in June
    12 Hrsper day
    148 mmper month
    60 %avg
    7 Mphavg

    Asia weather June

    Asia weather June alt image

    What’s the weather like in Asia in June?

    If you fancy a luxury holiday away from the busy resorts of mainland Europe, then head to Asia in summer and you’ll enjoy a great climate and plenty of sunshine. The Asia weather in June is warm and pleasant, especially around popular resorts in Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines. Expect to catch some tropical showers, though.

    Geographical influences

    Resorts in the south of Asia, such as Goa in India and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, enjoy warmer temperatures than those to the north. This is because they’re closer to the tropical regions but this also means they receive rainfall during most months. June is one of the wettest monsoon times in Goa, on India’s west coast.


    The weather in Asia in June can be quite mixed, even though the north of the continent will be enjoying summer at this time. The average daytime temperature for Asia in general will be around 15°C. In Beijing this rises to a glorious 25°C, with 28°C in Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. Night time temperatures may only be around eight degrees cooler, on average, so you may need air conditioning to make sleeping comfortable. You can soak up lots of sunshine throughout Asia this month. Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam will have about 13 hours each day. To the north, Hong Kong should get about nine to ten hours. The average water temperature around the Andaman Sea, South China Sea and Philippine Sea should be between 25°C and 28°C. Goa will have frequent showers, with an average of 750mm of rainfall, with Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok getting between 130mm to 150mm this month. The UV level will be high so make sure you use lots of sunblock while you relax at the beach or pool.

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