
Avg weather in July
    12 Hrsper day
    133 mmper month
    63 %avg
    6 Mphavg

    Asia weather July

    Asia weather July alt image

    What’s the weather like in Asia in July?

    The Asia weather in July is warm and pleasant. Visitors love exploring Asia’s cities, beaches and stunning environments at this time to soak up the wonderful sunshine. It’s not as dry as traditional European resorts in July but the high temperatures soon clear any tropical rains.

    Geographical influences

    July is the wettest month of the year in the famous Indian resort of Goa. Tropical rains in this wet season also affect Bangkok in Thailand and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. The summer is in full swing in Beijing and Hong Kong, towards the north of Asia, and even Russia enjoys pleasant warm temperatures.


    The weather in Asia in July has an average temperature of 17°C across the continent. If you’re planning to relax in the warmth of south Asia, then Bangkok, Goa and Kuala Lumpur should be around 29°C. These temperatures may only drop by a few degrees at night, so make sure your hotel has air conditioning. The average water temperature around the Andaman Sea, South China Sea and Philippine Sea should be between 25°C and 28°C, which is perfect for a fun dip. You can rely on bright sunshine to fill the skies in south Asia. Expect about eight hours each day in Malaysia and seven around Hong Kong. Cloud and rainfall will interrupt this at times, with 167mm falling in Bangkok and 141mm in Kuala Lumpur. Goa is extremely wet with around 900mm on average. The heat and humidity levels are high in July and use plenty of sunblock if you’re basking by the beach or your hotel pool.

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