
Avg weather in December
    7 Hrsper day
    123 mmper month
    84 %avg
    13 Mphavg

    Amsterdam weather December

    Amsterdam weather December alt image

    What’s the weather like in Amsterdam in December?

    Amsterdam is a beautiful city with a lot to offer. From historical buildings to designer stores and fine-dining restaurants, you’ll have a great time no matter when you visit. Amsterdam weather in December is quite cold and wet at times with some of the lowest temperatures of the year.

    Geographical influences

    Located in the Netherlands, Amsterdam enjoys warm summers and cold, wet winters. Snow is a possibility in winter, but continuous days of heavy snowfall is unlikely. You might have a few short rain showers scattered throughout the month, so check the forecast before leaving your hotel. Temperatures are quite low, but humidity levels remain comfortable thanks to prevailing winds coming in from the North Sea.


    The average temperature in December is around °C. You’ll need to wrap up warm at night as the weather cools to just 2°C, which feels even colder when winds blow in from the sea. There are seven days of rain with an average rainfall of 69mm. This means there’s a good chance you’ll see a few showers during your stay, but you’ll still get to enjoy at least three hours of sunshine a day.

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