
Avg weather in December
    11 Hrsper day
    141 mmper month
    67 %avg
    13 Mphavg

    Altinkum weather December

    Altinkum weather December alt image

    What’s the weather like in Altinkum in December?

    Altinkum weather in December is a lot wetter than previous months, which is consistent with its Mediterranean climate. On the bright side, you’ll get to enjoy very mild temperatures and full days of lovely sunshine with comfortable humidity levels.

    Geographical influences

    This resort town is located near the ancient Temple of Apollo in western Turkey. As part of the Bodrum region, Altinkum attracts large numbers of visitors each year with the summer being the busiest time of the year. In December, crowds have dispersed and you can relax in a more peaceful and tranquil environment. This makes winter an excellent time to visit if you’re interested in seeing all the historical sites and soaking up the region’s rich culture with tours of nearby ancient cities.


    Enjoy the festivities and friendly atmosphere of Altinkum in December, where you’ll find quiet streets and a peaceful serenity throughout the town. The temperatures are quite mild, often reaching highs of 15°C at peak times of the day before cooling off to around 5°C at night. There are nine hours of sunshine per day with the humidity remaining steady at 64%. Rainfall can be quite heavy in December, accumulating a total average of 137mm spread over 13 days of the month.

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