Es Cana

Avg weather in August
    13 Hrsper day
    27 mmper month
    73 %avg
    9 Mphavg
    Es Cana

    Es Cana weather August

    Es Cana weather August alt image

    What’s the weather like in Es Cana in August?

    For the warmest temperatures of the year, visit Es Cana in August. It’s the peak of the high season and the island’s Mediterranean climate is in full swing with warm weather lasting throughout the month. The water has also warmed up, making it a great time to visit the beach and enjoy a cooling swim in the Mediterranean Sea.

    Geographical influences

    Es Cana weather in August is beautiful with lots of warm sunshine and just a few rain showers scattered over the month. The resort is located in Ibiza, which is known as the “party central” island in the Mediterranean. However, Es Cana has a more peaceful atmosphere in comparison to other resorts and towns on the island. It still has a great nightlife scene, but it’s nothing too extreme. You’ll enjoy live music at night with soft drumming during the day at the local hippy market.


    Temperatures are at their highest in August with a daily average of 31°C. The average water temperature is 25°C, which is very mild and perfect for snorkelling with the fishes and discovering hidden coves along the coastline. There are only two rainy days in the month with an average rainfall of just 15mm spread over them both. This means there’s a good chance you’ll never see any rain during your stay. Humidity levels are quite high at 75% with winds of 10mph. The sun stays out for 13 hours per day, giving you plenty of daylight for sightseeing and enjoying the beaches before clubbing at night.

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